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The Teach Joyfully Podcast

May 27, 2021

I say it all the time...self-care is essential and having an exercise routine is one form of self-care. Taking care of YOU is the foundation for becoming a joyful teacher and effective teacher.  

Today's guest is Ann Wiegmann Stafford, aka Fit Teacher Momma, who has a unique [and free] solution she created to help...

May 20, 2021

Do your families struggle to support their child's literacy at home? Is weeding out the best books out of the sea of books exhausting? Help is here!

You know literacy is my passion, and in today's episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with a kindred soul.

Today's guest is Jodie Rodriguez from Growing Book By Book. Her...

May 13, 2021

Teaching writing and helping students improve their writing doesn't have to be hard...

Sometimes we make things more difficult than they have to be, don's we?! Teaching writing is no exception!

In case you haven't guessed, today's episode is all about teaching writing and some simple things you can do to help...

May 6, 2021

Are you worn to the bone with playground disputes? Here's help.

Today's episode is all about …recess and how to train your STUDENTS to not only problems solve with diplomacy but to be proactive in avoiding problems by setting up rules of play BEFORE starting a game. 

Find out:

  • How to train students to establish rules...