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The Teach Joyfully Podcast

Jun 2, 2022

Shh! I have a secret reading aloud strategy. It’s true, and I’m sharing it with you in this episode.

I read 100+ book a year to my students to increase their literacy. Ok. I do a lot of other things that increase student literacy as well. But, so does every teacher. What gives my students an edge over their peers is hearing and discussing that many books read aloud.

Listen in to find out:

  • 9 benefits students receive from my reading aloud 100+ books.
  • How to make read alouds happen in a busy schedule.
  • Why this doesn’t prevent you from going deep with books.
  • Ways to make sure students still get to hear books more than once.
  • How using picture books to teach across the curriculum makes this reading aloud strategy very doable.

Don't forget to check out all the resources and grab the freebie Mentor Text Lists. It's all in the show notes!